DeepSeek-R1 Dissection: Understanding PPO & GRPO Without Any Prior Reinforcement Learning Knowledge [En/中]

DeepSeek-R1 技术剖析:没有强化学习基础也能看懂的 PPO & GRPO

Posted by Yihua Zhang on February 7, 2025

1. Introduction

In Reinforcement Learning (RL), simply knowing “how many points you score” often isn’t enough. Pursuing high scores alone can lead to various side effects, such as excessive exploration, instability in the model, or even “shortcutting” behaviors that deviate from reasonable policies. To address these challenges, RL incorporates several mechanisms—such as the Critic (value function), Clip operation, Reference Model, and the more recent Group Relative Policy Optimization (GRPO).

To make these concepts more intuitive, let’s draw an analogy: think of the RL training process as an elementary school exam scenario. We (the model being trained) are like students trying to get high grades, the teacher who grades our exams are like the reward model, while our parents handing out pocket money based on our grades is similar to the Critic. Next, let’s walk step by step through why final scores alone are insufficient, how Critic, Clip, and Reference Model come into play, and finally how GRPO extends these ideas.

2. The Naive Approach of Only Using Reward: What’s the Problem?

Suppose my younger brother and I are in the same elementary school class. The teacher grades our exams and gives an “absolute score.” I typically score above 80 out of 100, while my brother often gets around 30. We then take these scores directly to our dad to ask for pocket money—meaning our “reward” (in RL terms) is simply our raw exam score. Whoever gets a higher score receives more pocket money.

At first glance, that seems fine. But two big issues quickly arise:

  • Unfairness: If my brother improves from 30 to 60 points through a lot of hard work, he still pales in comparison to my usual 80+. He doesn’t get the encouragement he deserves.
  • Instability: Chasing higher scores myself could lead me to extreme study methods (e.g., cramming at all hours, staying up very late). Sometimes I might get 95, other times only 60, so my score—and hence the reward signal—fluctuates dramatically.

As a result, using absolute scores as Reward causes large reward fluctuations, and my brother ends up feeling it’s not worth trying to improve in small increments.

Mathematical Correspondence

In RL, if we simply do:

\[\mathcal{J}_{\text{naive}}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{(q, o) \sim (\text{data}, \pi_{\theta})}\big[r(o)\big],\]

which means “optimize only the final reward,” we can run into high variance and insufficient incentives for partial improvements. In other words, the Actor lacks a baseline that matches its own current level, and that hinders training efficiency.

3. Introducing the Critic: Using a “Predicted Score Line” to Improve Rewards

Recognizing this problem, Dad realizes that “it’s not just about the absolute score; it’s about how much you’ve improved relative to your current level.”

So he decides:

  • Set my “predicted score line” at 80 points and my brother’s at 40. If we exceed these lines on an exam, we get more pocket money; if not, we get very little or none.

Hence, if my brother works hard and jumps from 30 to 60, he’s 20 points above his “predicted score line,” which translates into a hefty reward. Meanwhile, if I remain around the 80s, the incremental gain is smaller, so I won’t necessarily receive much more than he does. This arrangement encourages each person to improve from their own baseline instead of purely comparing absolute scores.

Of course, Dad is busy, so once a line is set, it doesn’t just remain static—he needs to keep “readjusting” as we progress. If my brother levels up to the 60 range, then a 40-point baseline is no longer fair. Likewise, if I consistently hover around 85, Dad might need to tweak my line as well. In other words, Dad also has to learn, specifically about the pace at which my brother and I are improving.

Mathematical Correspondence

In RL, this “score line” is known as the value function, $V_{\psi}(s)$. It acts as a baseline. Our training objective evolves from “just reward” to “how much we outperform that baseline,” expressed by the Advantage:

\[A_t = r_t - V_{\psi}(s_t).\]

For a given state $s_t$ and action $o_t$, if the actual reward exceeds the Critic’s expectation, it means the action performed better than predicted. If it’s lower, that action underperformed. In the simplest formulation, we optimize something like:

\[\mathcal{J}_{\text{adv}}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}\big[A(o)\big], \quad \text{where } A(o) = r(o) - V_{\psi}(o).\]

By subtracting this “score line,” we reduce variance in training, giving higher gradient signals to actions that exceed expectations and penalizing those that fall short.

4. Adding Clip and Min Operations: Preventing Over-Updates

Even with the “score line,” new problems can emerge. For instance:

  • If I suddenly break through on a test and score 95 or 100, Dad might give me a huge reward, pushing me to adopt overly aggressive study patterns before the next exam. My grades might swing between extremes (95 and 60), causing massive reward volatility.

Thus, Dad decides to moderate how drastically I can update my study strategy in each step—he won’t give me exponentially more pocket money just because of one good test. If he gives too much, I might veer into extreme exploration; if too little, I won’t be motivated. So he must find a balance.

Mathematical Correspondence

In PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization), this balance is achieved through the “Clip” mechanism. The core of the PPO objective includes:

\[\min \Big(r_t(\theta) A_t,\ \text{clip}\big(r_t(\theta), 1 - \varepsilon,\, 1 + \varepsilon\big)\,A_t\Big),\]


\[r_t(\theta) = \frac{\pi_{\theta}(o_t\mid s_t)}{\pi_{\theta_{\text{old}}}(o_t\mid s_t)},\]

represents the probability ratio between the new and old policies for that action. If the ratio deviates too far from 1, it’s clipped within $\bigl[\,1-\varepsilon,\ 1+\varepsilon\bigr]$, which limits how much the policy can shift in one update.

In simpler terms:

  • Scoring 100 gets me extra rewards, but Dad imposes a “ceiling” so I don’t go overboard. He’ll then reassess on the next exam, maintaining a steady approach rather than fueling extreme fluctuations.

5. Reference Model: Preventing Cheating and Extreme Strategies

Even so, if I’m solely fixated on high scores, I might resort to questionable tactics—for instance, cheating or intimidating the teacher into awarding me a perfect score. Clearly, that breaks all rules. In the realm of large language models, an analogous scenario is producing harmful or fabricated content to artificially boost some reward metric.

Dad, therefore, sets an additional rule:

  • “No matter what, you can’t deviate too much from your original, honest approach to studying. If you’re too far off from your baseline, even with a high score, I’ll disqualify you and withhold your pocket money.”

That’s akin to marking down a “reference line” from the start of the semester (i.e., after initial supervised fine-tuning). You can’t stray too far from that original strategy or you face penalties.

Mathematical Correspondence

In PPO, this is reflected by adding a KL penalty against the Reference Model (the initial policy). Concretely, we include something like:

\[-\beta\, \mathbb{D}_{\mathrm{KL}}\big(\pi_{\theta}\,\|\ \pi_{\text{ref}}\big)\]

in the loss. This keeps the Actor from drifting too far from the original, sensible policy, avoiding “cheating” or other drastically out-of-bounds behaviors.

6. GRPO: Replacing the Value Function with “Multiple Simulated Averages”

One day, Dad says, “I don’t have time to keep assessing your learning progress and draw new score lines all the time. Why not do five sets of simulated tests first, then take their average score as your expected score? If you surpass that average on the real test, it shows you did better than your own expectations, so I’ll reward you. Otherwise, you won’t get much.” My brother and I, and potentially more classmates, can each rely on a personal set of simulated tests rather than an external “value network” that Dad would have to constantly adjust.

Up until now, we saw that PPO relies on the Actor + Critic + Clip + KL penalty framework. However, in large language model (LLM) scenarios, the Critic (value function) often needs to be as large as the Actor to accurately evaluate states, which can be costly and sometimes impractical—especially if you only have a single final reward at the end (like a final answer quality).

Hence, Group Relative Policy Optimization (GRPO) steps in. Its core idea:

  • No separate value network for the Critic,
  • Sample multiple outputs from the old policy for the same question or state,
  • Treat the average reward of these outputs as the baseline,
  • Anything above average yields a “positive advantage,” anything below yields a “negative advantage.”

Meanwhile, GRPO retains PPO’s Clip and KL mechanisms to ensure stable, compliant updates.

Mathematical Correspondence

According to DeepSeekMath’s technical report, the GRPO objective (omitting some symbols) is:

\[\begin{aligned} \mathcal{J}_{GRPO}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}\Bigg[ & \sum_{i = 1}^{G}\Bigg(\min \Bigg(\frac{\pi_{\theta}\left(o_{i}\right)}{\pi_{\theta_{\text{old}}}\left(o_{i}\right)} A_{i},\ \text{clip}\Big(\frac{\pi_{\theta}\left(o_{i}\right)}{\pi_{\theta_{\text{old}}}\left(o_{i}\right)}, 1-\varepsilon, 1+\varepsilon\Big) A_{i}\Bigg) \\ & \quad -\ \beta\ \mathbb{D}_{KL}\left(\pi_{\theta}\ \|\ \pi_{\text{ref}}\right)\Bigg) \Bigg], \end{aligned}\]


\[A_{i} = \frac{r_{i} - \mathrm{mean}(\{r_1, r_2, \cdots, r_G\})}{\mathrm{std}(\{r_1, r_2, \cdots, r_G\})}\]

calculates a “relative score” by averaging multiple outputs from the same question and normalizing. In this way, we no longer need a dedicated value function, yet we still get a dynamic “score line” that simplifies training and conserves resources.

7. Elementary School Weekly Exams: A New Multi-step Challenge

In the previous sections, we treated the score from a single exam as the Reward and used the Critic (value function) as our “score line.” This addressed the issues of high variance and unfairness caused by “only looking at absolute scores,” while mechanisms such as those in PPO/GRPO (Clip, Reference Model, etc.) helped control the magnitude and compliance of policy updates.

However, in real school life, exams rarely happen just once. Imagine this scenario:

Every Monday morning, the teacher hands out a short quiz, scored between 0 and 100.
Every Monday afternoon, Dad checks my quiz result against the predicted score line, then gives me some pocket money or a penalty accordingly.
From Tuesday to Sunday, I spend my time studying and adjusting my strategy—perhaps attending a tutoring class, studying together with classmates, or just completely relaxing.

By the time next Monday morning comes, there’s another quiz, which again yields a new score and influences how much pocket money I receive. This repeats every week, one exam after another.

Over the course of this cycle, each learning-plan decision (Action) I make will accumulate and affect the quiz score in the following week. Ultimately, I want to achieve higher overall scores and more pocket money by the end of the entire semester. This contrasts with the earlier scenario of “only one exam,” where training concluded after a single test. Now, we continuously evaluate and update our performance each week.

7.1 Single-Step vs. Multi-step: The New Dilemma

  • Previously, Dad only needed to assess whether I exceeded his expectations after one exam, then give me pocket money right away or slightly adjust my score line (the Critic) before the next test.
  • Now, there’s an exam each week, and my performance next week is often influenced by what learning actions I took once this week’s exam was over. For example, if I choose to pull all-nighters for intense study this week, I might suddenly become physically exhausted next week, causing a drop in my score. Conversely, if I study in moderation this week, I might remain stable next week.
  • Even more complicated: should I adopt a long-term strategy? Perhaps I take it easy for the first two weeks, then ramp up my efforts in the third week, ultimately benefiting my performance on the final exam. In Reinforcement Learning terms, this is now a multi-step decision-making problem, where we must consider the accumulated performance over a span of time, not just a single test.

In RL notation, the situation is similar: if we receive a reward $r_t$ each week, and each week’s action (learning plan) affects the scores in subsequent weeks, how do we figure out whether a particular action is beneficial? Clearly, we can’t just look at “this week’s exam result minus the score line.” Sometimes we have to consider the domino effects in the weeks that follow.

7.2 The Role of Policy $\pi$ in the Analogy

In Reinforcement Learning terminology, a “policy” $\pi$ is a decision rule: given a state $s_t$, it determines the probability or manner in which we select a specific action $a_t$.

  • In the elementary school exam analogy, you can imagine that “policy” refers to my overall study method or “course selection approach.” It bases the decision of whether I should do extra tutoring, take a break, or something else this week on my current condition, such as tiredness level, recent score fluctuations, or unsolved difficulties.
  • The action $a_t$ is the specific study plan carried out this week, whereas the policy $\pi$ is the overarching function or distribution that “generates” these actions. A better policy consistently makes more suitable decisions each week, thereby accumulating higher long-term scores (Reward).

Each time I execute an action $a_t$ and observe the outcome, I update my confidence in the policy $\pi$. Over time, it moves toward a direction of “higher scores, higher Reward,” which is essentially the policy update process.

8. Introduce TD Error and GAE for Multi-step Scenarios

As weekly exams become more frequent, aiming to score well in “multiple cumulative tests” calls for a better way to “estimate the long-term impact of this week’s actions.” In Reinforcement Learning terms, that means we can’t just compare each week’s superficial Reward to our predicted value; we also need to account for rewards in the following weeks.

8.1 What Is the TD (Temporal Difference) Error?

In RL, we regard each week as a time step $t$. My current state $s_t$ may include:

  • My current study level, tiredness, or understanding of next week’s exam scope,
  • My most recent exam score,
  • Possibly even my mood (if we want to be very realistic).

Then the action (Action) I choose might be “attend a certain tutoring class,” “study on my own,” or “just rest,” etc.
When the week ends, I receive a reward $r_{t+1}$ (such as the score on next week’s test or the pocket money earned), and move on to the next week’s state $s_{t+1}$ (a new situation with different tiredness, knowledge level, etc.).

TD Error (Temporal Difference Error) measures the difference between the “value we assigned to this current week” and the combination of “the actual reward for next week + the estimated value of next week.” Formally:

\[\delta_t = r_{t+1} + \gamma V(s_{t+1}) - V(s_t),\]

where $\gamma \in [0,1]$ is a discount factor to account for diminishing emphasis on future rewards.

  • In the elementary school analogy, it’s like saying, “I originally believed that this week (state $s_t$) should yield at least 80 points. The actual result was 75, and I expect to get around 78 next week, so there’s a gap when I compare that to my initial expectation.”
    It basically reflects, “How many points did I expect this week plus the future potential, versus what I really observed this time plus the new future estimate?”
  • If $\delta_t$ is positive, it means I performed better than expected; if negative, it means there’s room for improvement.

This is the single-step TD Error. It allows Dad (the Critic) to continually refine the estimation $V(s)$ of my “current state value.”

8.2 What Is GAE, and Why Do We Need It?

Problem: If we rely solely on the single-step TD Error, we essentially “only look at the next week’s exam score + next week’s value” each time. This leads to very quick data updates and potentially lower variance, but it might overlook more distant consequences. For example, if I burn myself out this week, I might not crash next week but collapse the week after. Conversely, if we “use the entire future exam sequence’s total scores” like Monte Carlo methods, we might not be able to update until many weeks have passed. During that time, random fluctuations or luck might cause very high variance in our estimates.

GAE (Generalized Advantage Estimation) strikes a compromise between single-step TD and full Monte Carlo, introducing a parameter $\lambda$ to control “how many steps of feedback we consider.” A typical form is:

\[\hat{A}_t^{\mathrm{GAE}(\gamma, \lambda)} = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} (\gamma \lambda)^k \,\delta_{t+k},\]


\[\delta_{t+k} = r_{t+k+1} + \gamma V(s_{t+k+1}) - V(s_{t+k}),\]

is the TD Error for each week, and $(\gamma \lambda)^k$ reduces the weight of feedback that lies further in the future.

  • When $\lambda = 0$, it falls back to single-step TD.
  • When $\lambda$ approaches 1, it gets closer to full Monte Carlo (with potential truncation in actual implementation).

Analogy Explanation

  • $\delta_t$: The deviation for “this week + next week’s value.”
  • $\delta_{t+1}$: The deviation for “next week + the week after next,” and so on.
  • In the end, GAE applies a decaying sum of these multiple-week discrepancies to arrive at a more stable, comprehensive measure of the Advantage for “this week’s decision.”

8.3 GAE’s Significance in the Analogy

  1. I (the student) receive a reward each week based on “last week’s exam score - expected score line,” but I also need to consider the longer-range trend—is it going to affect performance in the subsequent weeks?
  2. Dad wants to judge comprehensively: my learning plan’s impact on next week and the weeks after. He can partially account for it, but the further away the exam is, the more he discounts it, avoiding an overreaction to future uncertainty.
  3. This explains why single-step knowledge might miss major leaps or collapses a few weeks later, while full Monte Carlo waits too long for all the results and suffers high variance in multi-week scenarios.

9. Redefining State Value and Action Value in the New Setup

Compared to the earlier “one exam” setup, now we have an exam every week, creating a multi-step decision process. Hence, we need new definitions for the state value function and the action value function.

  1. State Value Function $V^\pi(s_t)$
    • During “week $t$,” my overall condition, tiredness, and recent scores form the state $s_t$. If I continue to use the current policy $\pi$ for all upcoming weeks (studying, resting, tutoring), how much cumulative performance can I expect to achieve?
    • $V^\pi(s_t)$ represents: if from this week onward, I follow policy $\pi$ for each week’s learning actions until the semester ends, how much total pocket money or weighted sum of scores do I expect to earn?
    • It’s like Dad forming a forecast of “how many good grades you’ll probably earn in the upcoming weeks, given your present level.”
    • Formula:

      \[V^\pi(s_t) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi}\bigl[r_{t+1} + \gamma r_{t+2} + \gamma^2 r_{t+3} + \dots \bigr].\]
  2. Action Value Function $Q^\pi(s_t, a_t)$
    • If I choose a specific action $a_t$ during week $t$ (for instance, signing up for an expensive tutoring course), and in future weeks I continue with $\pi$, what total performance can I expect to accumulate over the remaining weeks?
    • $Q^\pi(s_t, a_t)$ indicates: if I pick action $a_t$ this week and subsequently follow policy $\pi$, how much total reward or scores will I obtain?
    • For instance, if I “find a balance between rest and study” this week, maintaining stable scores next week, I might avoid crashing later and achieve a better sum overall.
    • Formula:

      \[Q^\pi(s_t,a_t) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi}\bigl[r_{t+1} + \gamma r_{t+2} + \dots \mid s_t,a_t \bigr].\]
  3. Advantage Function $A^\pi(s_t, a_t)$

    \[A^\pi(s_t, a_t) = Q^\pi(s_t, a_t) - V^\pi(s_t).\]
    • This indicates how “much better (or worse)” choosing action $a_t$ at state $s_t$ is relative to the average outcome.
    • If $A^\pi(s_t, a_t)$ is greater than 0, that means this choice is potentially bringing more gains over the upcoming weeks than the baseline expectation. If it’s negative, it suggests it might be worse than normal study methods at that point.

10. What Loss Are We Training, Exactly?

In common policy gradient methods like PPO, A3C, or GRPO, there are typically two models to train:

  1. Actor (the policy network): outputs the probability of taking each action in a given state or directly picks the best action.
  2. Critic (the value network): outputs $V(s)$ (or an action value) as a baseline, helping us evaluate how good or bad an action was more reliably.

These are often updated with a combined loss function. A typical example:

  • Critic Loss: Often mean squared error (MSE) that forces the Critic estimate $V_{\psi}(s_t)$ to match the target return computed from actual feedback (Reward).

    \[\mathcal{L}_{\text{Critic}} = \Bigl(V_{\psi}(s_t) - \text{Target Value}\Bigr)^2.\]

    In the multi-week exam context, the Target Value might be the “one-step TD target” $r_{t+1} + \gamma V_{\psi}(s_{t+1})$ or a longer return estimate (like the sum in GAE).

  • Actor Loss: We take the Advantage $A_t = Q_t - V_t$ (or an equivalent estimate), multiply by $\log \pi_\theta(a_t\mid s_t)$, and perform gradient ascent (or equivalently, negative descent).

    \[\mathcal{L}_{\text{Actor}} \propto -\,\mathbb{E}\big[A_t \,\log \pi_\theta(a_t\mid s_t)\big].\]

    If an action’s Advantage is high (scoring well above the baseline), the policy is encouraged to increase the probability of taking that action; otherwise, it’s reduced.

In PPO/GRPO, we also see Clip, KL penalty, and other additional terms added to the Loss to constrain the update step from being too large or from deviating excessively from the initial policy.

From a high-level perspective:

  • The Actor is essentially “my own internal decision maker,” continuously learning which actions to select.
  • The Critic acts like “my internal predictive model” or “Dad’s predicted score line,” constantly refining the assessment of my current learning state.
  • The final Loss integrates both networks’ errors, enabling them to enhance each other synergistically.

11. Bias and Variance in the “Weekly Exams” Analogy

In a multi-step setting, why do we encounter bias and variance issues? We can compare a few different estimation methods:

  1. Full Monte Carlo:
    • Approach: Wait until multiple weeks’ exams are done, sum up all the scores, then go back to see how the action in week $t$ actually panned out.
    • Upside: We incorporate true long-term returns comprehensively, so it’s unbiased.
    • Downside: If some exams are heavily influenced by luck—like a sudden illness or a random difficulty spike—final scores can fluctuate drastically, leading to very high variance during training.
  2. Single-step TD:
    • Approach: Evaluate “this week’s score + next week’s estimated value,” then compare with this week’s value to form the TD Error ($\delta_t = r_{t+1} + \gamma V(s_{t+1}) - V(s_t)$).
    • Upside: Fast updates, relatively lower variance, suitable for online learning.
    • Downside: Can lead to bias, since we’re ignoring the impact of further weeks.
  3. GAE:
    • Approach: Aggregate multiple weeks of TD with a decay (controlled by $\lambda$).
    • Upside: Strikes a balance between reducing bias and controlling variance, often leading to more stable and effective training.
    • Downside: Needs some extra implementation logic to accumulate multi-step TD errors and a good choice of $\lambda$.

In simpler terms:

  • Bias means our judgment about a particular week’s decision might be overly influenced by immediate outcomes, neglecting the big picture over future weeks.
  • Variance means if we try to account for every week far into the future, it might be too sensitive to random events—like “someone got sick,” “a quiz was unexpectedly easy,” or “unexpected personal circumstances”—so our estimates might swing wildly, like an unpredictable weather forecast.

GAE effectively adds a decay factor for “the influence of upcoming weeks,” so the further out it is, the less it matters. We neither ignore the future entirely nor overload ourselves with all distant noise.

12. Contrasting Three Methods for Advantage Estimation

Below is a concise comparison of Full Monte Carlo, Single-step TD, and GAE in multi-step scenarios. Although your original blog might not have explicitly mentioned “full MC,” it’s a common RL approach and somewhat parallels the “one-shot exam” scenario, so we include it here to illustrate why GAE is a compromise.

Method Approach Advantages Disadvantages Elementary School Analogy
Full Monte Carlo (MC) Wait until the end of the sequence (all weekly exams finished for the term), sum up all rewards, then go back to update the advantage for each week’s action based on actual returns. Unbiased for the true long-term returns; conceptually simple if no value function is used. For long sequences, variance is huge; you must wait until everything finishes, so updates are slow and data-inefficient. You wait until all weeks are done, then evaluate how good the decision in week 1 was. Meanwhile, many unexpected factors can appear, causing large fluctuations and feedback delays.
Single-step TD Only use this week’s reward + next week’s value minus this week’s value for the TD Error ($\delta_t = r_{t+1} + \gamma V(s_{t+1}) - V(s_{t})$). Fast updates, relatively low variance; good for online learning. Often biased because it ignores the returns from further weeks. Right after this week’s exam, you update using “this score + next week’s expectation”—it’s simpler, but disregards what might happen in later weeks.
GAE Weighted multi-step TD: $\hat{A}t = \sum{k=0}^{\infty} (\gamma \lambda)^k \delta_{t+k}$. Paired with a Critic, it balances short-term and long-term rewards. Balances bias and variance; proven stable and effective in practice. Requires a suitable $\lambda$ hyperparameter; slightly more complex to implement. Partially takes into account multiple upcoming weeks but discounts distant ones. Not too slow (unlike waiting for all weeks) and not too shallow (like single-step), striking a good balance.

13. Conclusion: Retrospect and Prospects

Through this elementary school exam analogy, we’ve gradually evolved from a naive emphasis on absolute scores to the full PPO mechanism (Critic, Advantage, Clip, Reference Model), and then to the GRPO approach, which uses an average of multiple outputs as the baseline, sparing us the complexity of a separate value function. A few key points are worth restating:

  • The Critic’s significance: it provides a “reasonable expectation” for each state or stage, greatly reducing training variance.
  • Clip & min mechanism: limits policy update magnitudes, preventing huge swings after one “breakthrough” exam.
  • Reference Model: restricts “cheating” or extreme behavior so the policy doesn’t stray too far from an initially compliant strategy.
  • GRPO’s benefit: in large language models, it removes the need for a big value network, saving memory and compute, while aligning naturally with a “comparison-based Reward Model.”

Much like Dad switching to “letting the child run multiple simulations themselves and using their average score as the predicted baseline,” GRPO allows us to skip maintaining a huge Critic while still obtaining a similar relative reward signal. This preserves the stability and compliance of PPO while making training more direct and efficient.

By extending our “elementary school exam” scenario to weekly exams, we see that:

  1. We need TD Error (Temporal Difference) to gauge the discrepancy between actual returns and the previously estimated value.
  2. To better estimate the Advantage, we don’t just rely on single-step TD or full Monte Carlo—GAE (Generalized Advantage Estimation) emerges as a solution.
  3. It sums multi-step TD errors with a decay factor, striking a balance between bias and variance.
  4. State value function $V^\pi(s)$ and action value function $Q^\pi(s,a)$ must be framed in a multi-step context: each week we make a learning decision, each week we get a reward, creating a deeper and more complex training sequence.

In practice, mainstream policy-gradient algorithms like PPO and A3C often use GAE as a fundamental component, making Advantage estimation more stable. In large language model fine-tuning or text-generation tasks, if each response can be broken into multiple steps with partial feedback, GAE-like approaches similarly help balance the “short-term vs. long-term” reward, leading to better training outcomes.

Hopefully, this article helps you intuitively grasp the rationale behind PPO and GRPO, and inspires you for future applications. If you’re interested in process supervision or iterative RL, keep an eye on my blog for more advanced techniques!

1. 开篇

在强化学习(RL)中,如果我们只知道“做对了能拿多少分”,那往往还不够,因为单纯追求高分可能带来种种副作用,比如过度搜索、模型不稳定、甚至“走捷径”而偏离合理范围。为了解决这些问题,人们在 RL 中设计了许多机制——Critic(价值函数)、Clip 操作、Reference Model、以及最近流行的 GRPO(Group Relative Policy Optimization)等。

为了把这些概念讲得更生动,我们不妨打个比方:把 RL 模型的训练过程想象成小学里的考试场景。我们(被训练的模型)就像努力考高分的学生,发奖品的人则像 Critic 或者其他调控机制。接下来就让我们循序渐进地看看,为什么只靠最终成绩是不够的,为什么需要一步步引入 Critic、Clip、Reference Model,最后又是如何引出 GRPO 的思路。

2. 只有 Reward 时的朴素做法:为什么会有问题

假设我和我弟弟都在小学同一个班上课。老师改卷后给出一个“绝对分数”,我的成绩一般 80 分以上,弟弟成绩大概 30 分左右。然后我们把这个分数直接拿去找爸爸要零花钱——也就是用“分数本身”作为奖励(Reward)。谁考得分数高,零花钱就多。


  • 不公平:如果弟弟从 30 分进步到 60 分,付出了非常大的努力,却依然比不过我平时随便考个 80+。他得不到有效激励。
  • 不稳定:我为了冲刺高分,可能会采取极端学习策略(比如疯狂刷题、考前通宵),偶尔考到 95 分,偶尔只有 60 分,成绩大起大落,导致奖励信号也忽上忽下。

这样一来,只拿绝对分数当作 Reward,奖励信号波动很大,弟弟也会觉得不公平,久而久之,就没动力进步了。



\[\mathcal{J}_{\text{naive}}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{(q, o) \sim (\text{data}, \pi_{\theta})}\big[r(o)\big],\]

也就是“把最终 Reward 直接拿来做优化目标”,就容易出现高方差、激励不充分等问题。换言之,Actor 得不到一个和自身水平相称的参考线(baseline),进而影响学习效率。

3. 引入 Critic:用“预期分数线”来改善奖励机制



  • 给我定一个“预期分数线”80 分;给弟弟定一个“预期分数线”40 分。考试时,只要超出自己那条线,就能得到更多零花钱;如果没有超出,那么零花钱就可能很少或者没有。

这样一来,弟弟如果努力从 30 分考到 60 分,超出自己预期分数线 20 分,就能得到可观的奖赏。我如果还是 80 多分,增幅不明显,那就算分数比弟弟高,但并不一定多拿太多钱。这样就鼓励了每个人以自己的水平为起点去进步,而不是一味比谁绝对分高。

当然,爸爸也很忙,不是说一旦定了分数线就一劳永逸——他得根据我们的学习状况来不断 “自我调节”,因为如果弟弟水平已经到 60 分了,再给他设 40 分的线就不合理了。反之,我要是一直考 85 分没什么波动,也可能需要微调我的分数线。 所以,爸爸也需要不断学习,只不过他需要学习的是我和弟弟的学习进度。


在 RL 中,我们称这个“分数线”为价值函数 $V_{\psi}(s)$,它的作用是当参考线(baseline)。于是我们的训练目标从“只用 Reward”进化成“用 Advantage 来衡量进步”:

\[A_t = r_t - V_{\psi}(s_t).\]

对某个状态 $s_t$ 下的动作 $o_t$,如果实际 Reward 超过了 Critic 的预期,就说明这个动作比期望好;如果低于预期,就说明这个动作没达标。在最简单的情形下,我们的优化目标就变成:

\[\mathcal{J}_{\text{adv}}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}\big[A(o)\big], \quad \text{其中 } A(o) = r(o) - V_{\psi}(o).\]


4. 加入 Clip 与 min 操作:防止更新过度


  • 如果某一次考试我突然爆发,进了高分段,比如 95 或 100 分,爸爸会给我极高奖励,导致我在下一次考试前可能“走火入魔”,去尝试各种极端学习方法,成绩忽高忽低,奖励也随之剧烈波动。



PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) 中,这个“平衡”靠“Clip” 操作来完成。我们常见的 PPO 核心目标函数里,有这样一段:

\[\min \Big(r_t(\theta) A_t,\ \text{clip}\big(r_t(\theta), 1 - \varepsilon,\, 1 + \varepsilon\big)\,A_t\Big),\]


\[r_t(\theta) = \frac{\pi_{\theta}(o_t\mid s_t)}{\pi_{\theta_{\text{old}}}(o_t\mid s_t)},\]

表示新策略与旧策略在这个动作上的概率比值。如果这个比值离 1 太远,就会被 $\text{clip}$在 $\bigl[\,1-\varepsilon,\ 1+\varepsilon\bigr]$ 区间内,从而限制一次更新幅度别过大。


  • 我考到 100 分,可以多拿奖励,但爸爸会有个“封顶”的约束;下一次还要观察一下再做决定,这样保持学习的平稳性,防止出现一条极端的“歪路子”。

5. Reference Model:防止作弊、极端策略



  • “无论如何,你不能偏离最初正常学习的方法太多。否则即使你考了高分,我也判你不合格,零花钱也不给。”



在 PPO 里,这体现为对Reference Model(初始策略)的 KL 惩罚,具体可加到 Loss 中,比如:

\[-\beta\, \mathbb{D}_{\mathrm{KL}}\big(\pi_{\theta}\,\|\ \pi_{\text{ref}}\big).\]

这样,Actor 不会为了短期 Reward 而脱离原本合理的策略范畴,保证策略在演化过程中不至于“作弊”或偏得太离谱。

6. GRPO:用“多次模拟成绩平均值”代替价值函数

有一天,爸爸说:“我没空天天衡量你的学习水平了,不想再手动给你画分数线。那你干脆先把试卷做 5 份模拟题,取这 5 次的平均分,这个平均分就是你的预期分数。真正考试时,如果你比这个平均分高,就说明你表现超出你自己的期望,我就给奖励;不够的话,说明你的表现没到平均线。” 如此一来,弟弟、我,甚至更多同学都可以用“自己多次模拟考试”的均值来做分数线,不需要依赖一个外部(爸爸)不断微调的“价值网络”。

前面几个环节,我们已经看到了 PPO 的思路:Actor + Critic + Clip + KL 惩罚。但在实际应用尤其是大型语言模型(LLM)上,Critic(价值函数)通常需要跟 Actor 同等大小的网络去估计,否则很难评估到位,成本很高,而且有些场景(比如只在回答末尾才有一个整体 Reward)并不太适合训练出精细的价值函数。

这时候就出现了Group Relative Policy Optimization(GRPO)。它的要点是:

  • 不用“学习”一个单独的价值网络当 Critic;
  • 而是对同一道题目、同一个状态,先用旧策略采样多条输出,然后把这些输出的平均 Reward 当作 baseline
  • 超过平均值就相当于“正向 Advantage”,低于平均值就是“负向 Advantage”。

在 GRPO 里,除了这一步,还保留了 PPO 中的 Clip 和对 Reference Model 的 KL 正则,这些都可以保障更新的稳定性和合规性。


DeepSeekMath 的技术报告里给出了 GRPO 的目标函数(省略部分符号细节):

\[\begin{aligned} \mathcal{J}_{GRPO}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}\Bigg[ & \sum_{i = 1}^{G}\Bigg(\min \Bigg(\frac{\pi_{\theta}\left(o_{i}\right)}{\pi_{\theta_{\text{old}}}\left(o_{i}\right)} A_{i},\ \text{clip}\Big(\frac{\pi_{\theta}\left(o_{i}\right)}{\pi_{\theta_{\text{old}}}\left(o_{i}\right)}, 1-\varepsilon, 1+\varepsilon\Big) A_{i}\Bigg) \\ & \quad -\ \beta\ \mathbb{D}_{KL}\left(\pi_{\theta}\ \|\ \pi_{\text{ref}}\right)\Bigg) \Bigg], \end{aligned}\]


\[A_{i} = \frac{r_{i} - \mathrm{mean}(\{r_1, r_2, \cdots, r_G\})}{\mathrm{std}(\{r_1, r_2, \cdots, r_G\})}\]

就是用同一问题的多条输出做平均,得到一个“相对评分”,再做标准化后作为 Advantage。这便实现了无需单独价值函数也能得到一个动态的“分数线”,让训练更加简单、节约算力。

7. 小学每周都考试:多步时序下的新挑战

在前文,我们把一次考试拿到的分数当作 Reward,用 Critic(价值函数)做“分数线”。这解决了“只看绝对成绩”带来的高方差和不公平问题,并且通过 PPO/GRPO 的各种机制(Clip、Reference Model 等)控制策略更新的幅度与合规性。


每周一早上,老师都会给我们一张小测验卷子,分值从 0-100 不等;



7.1 单步 vs. 多步:新的困惑

  • 以前,爸爸只需要在“一次考试”后,评估我的表现是否超出预期,就可以立刻给零花钱,或者在下次测试前稍微修正一下我的分数线(Critic)。
  • 现在,每周都有考试,但我下一周的表现,往往也受“这周考完之后做了哪些学习动作”影响。比如这周我选择“熬夜狂刷题”,可能下周突然身体疲惫、精力有限,反而成绩下滑;反之,如果这周我适度学习,下周可能能稳定发挥。
  • 更复杂的是,我是不是要做一个长期的规划?可能我前两周稍微放松,第三周再发力冲刺,结果对期末大考更有帮助……在强化学习术语里,这已经是一种多步时序决策问题。我们需要照顾到一段时间内的累积表现,而非单一考试。

回到 RL 公式上也类似:如果每周我们都拿到一个奖励 $r_t$,并且我们每一周的动作(学习计划)都会影响后续几周的成绩,那么如何去估计某个动作是否好? 显然不能只看“本周的考试结果 - 分数线”这么简单,有时需要考虑到后面几周的连锁效应。

7.2 策略 $\pi$ 在比喻里的角色

在强化学习的术语中,“策略” $\pi$ 指的是决策规则:给定某个状态 $s_t$,我们以多大概率或依据什么方式,去选择一个具体动作 $a_t$。

  • 在小学考试隐喻中,可以想象“策略”就是我的总体学习方法或“选课思路”,它会根据我当前的状态(比如疲惫程度、最近分数波动、是否遇到难点等),来决定本周要不要补习、要不要放空休息、或者做别的准备。
  • 动作 $a_t$ 就是这周具体采取的学习计划。而策略 $\pi$ 则是那个“生成动作”的整体函数或分布。策略越好,就越能在各周做出恰当决策,从而累积更高的长期分数(Reward)。

每次执行了动作 $a_t$ 并观测到结果后,我们会更新对策略 $\pi$ 的信心,慢慢让它朝着“高分、高 Reward”方向演化,也就是策略更新的过程。

8. 为了多步时序:TD 残差与 GAE 再登场

随着每周考试的频繁进行,想要在“多次考试累积”下获得高分,就需要更好地“估计本周动作的长期影响”。在强化学习的语言里,这意味着我们不能只在一周的表面 Reward 和预期价值之间做对比,还要兼顾后续周次的回报。

8.1 什么是 TD(Temporal Difference) 残差?

在强化学习里,我们把每一周看作一个时间步 $t$。我的当前状态(State)可能包括:

  • 我当前的学习水平、疲劳程度、对下一次考试范围的掌握度;
  • 我上一场考试的得分;
  • 甚至我当前的心情(如果要更真实的话……)。

然后,我做出的动作(Action)可以是:“去参加某辅导班”、“自主复习”、“放空休息”等等。 当这一周结束时,我会收到一个奖励 $r_{t+1}$(比如下一周的考试成绩或与之相对应的零花钱),并且进入下一周的状态 $s_{t+1}$(新的水平、疲劳度等)。

TD 残差(Temporal Difference Error) 就是对“本周价值估计”和“下周实际得到奖励 + 下周价值估计”之间的差异做一个衡量。形式如下:

\[\delta_t = r_{t+1} + \gamma V(s_{t+1}) - V(s_t),\]

这里 $\gamma \in [0,1]$ 是折扣因子,用来表示远期的奖励要衰减一些。

  • 在小学考试的比喻里,可以理解为:“我原本觉得本周(状态 $s_t$)能至少考到 80 分,结果实际只有 75 分,下周又觉得能稳 78 分,所以和最初的期望值一比,发现差了几分。” 它直观反映:“我原先以为本周能拿多少分,加上下周的未来潜力;和实际看到的成绩与未来估计相比,相差多少?”
  • 如果 $\delta_t$ 为正,说明“比预期更好”;如果为负,说明“还得多加努力”。

这就是单步的 TD 残差。它能使爸爸(Critic)不断修正对我“当前状态价值” $V(s)$ 的估计。

8.2 什么是 GAE?为什么需要它?

问题:如果我们只用单步的 TD 残差,就相当于“每次只看一周后的考试成绩 + 对下一周的估计”,这样做数据更新非常快,方差也可能较小;但有时候会忽略更远期的后果。比如,我本周过度学习,下周的分数也许没崩,但大后周就会累得不行。反之,如果我们用“把所有后续考试的总成绩都算进来”那种蒙特卡洛方法,则要等到很多周过去之后才能总结,这期间的噪声/运气都可能让估计出现超高方差

GAE(Generalized Advantage Estimation)就像一个“在单步 TD 与全局蒙特卡洛之间”找折衷的办法——用参数 $\lambda$ 来控制“我们想考察多少步以后的反馈”。它的形式常见于:

\[\hat{A}_t^{\mathrm{GAE}(\gamma, \lambda)} = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} (\gamma \lambda)^k \,\delta_{t+k},\]


\[\delta_{t+k} = r_{t+k+1} + \gamma V(s_{t+k+1}) - V(s_{t+k}),\]

就是每个周次上的 TD 残差;$(\gamma \lambda)^k$ 让较远的反馈在估计里比重逐渐减小

  • 当 $\lambda = 0$ 时,就退化成单步 TD;
  • 当 $\lambda$ 趋向 1 时,就越来越接近全蒙特卡洛估计(当然在实际实现上会有截断)。


  • $\delta_{t}$:表示“本周 + 下周价值”的偏差;
  • $\delta_{t+1}$:表示“下周 + 下下周价值”的偏差;
  • ……
  • 最终,GAE 把这些多周的差值按衰减系数累加起来,就得到一个对“本周这次决策的Advantage”更稳定、更综合的评估。

8.3 GAE 在比喻中的具体意义

  1. 我(学生)每周都能收到一个基于“上一周考试成绩 - 预期线”得到的激励,但这个激励也要考虑更远期的趋势——是不是会造成后面几周的成绩起伏?
  2. 爸爸想综合地评估:这周的学习动作,对下周及之后几周的影响都可以稍微看一下,但“越远的影响”越需要衰减地去衡量,不至于把噪声无限放大。
  3. 这也就解释了为什么只用单步信息会对后几周可能出现的“大跳水”或者“大爆发”视而不见;而全局蒙特卡洛会在多周累积回报上花费太长时间才得到一个结论,还容易出现高方差。

9. 新设定下的价值函数与动作价值函数


  1. 状态价值函数 $V^\pi(s_t)$
    • 在“第 $t$ 周”时,我的综合水平、疲劳度、最近分数等信息构成了状态 $s_t$。如果未来所有周都按照当前策略 $\pi$ 来学习/休息/补习,那么我能预期拿到多高的累积成绩?
    • $V^\pi(s_t)$ 表示:如果从这一周起,按照当前策略 $\pi$ 去选择每周的学习动作,一直到学期结束,我能期望拿到多少“累计零花钱”或者“累计加权分数”
    • 就好像爸爸对“你在本周的整体水平”能在接下来若干周获得多少好成绩的一种预估
    • 公式

      \[V^\pi(s_t) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi}\bigl[r_{t+1} + \gamma r_{t+2} + \gamma^2 r_{t+3} + \dots \bigr].\]
  2. 动作价值函数 $Q^\pi(s_t, a_t)$
    • 如果我在第 $t$ 周选了$a_t$这个具体动作(比如“参加昂贵补习班”),之后各周都继续用$\pi$,我能预期在剩下这些周内获得多少累积成绩?
    • $Q^\pi(s_t, a_t)$ 表示:如果我在周 $t$ 这样选了动作 $a_t$,并且之后所有周都按照策略 $\pi$ 来学习,那整个后续我能拿到多少累计分数或收益?
    • 比如说,如果这周我“调整心态、适度复习”,导致分数比较稳,下周也不至于累崩,后面总体回报可能更高。
    • 公式

      \[Q^\pi(s_t,a_t) = \mathbb{E}_{\pi}\bigl[r_{t+1} + \gamma r_{t+2} + \dots \mid s_t,a_t \bigr].\]
  3. 优势函数 $A^\pi(s_t, a_t)$

    \[A^\pi(s_t, a_t) = Q^\pi(s_t, a_t) - V^\pi(s_t).\]
    • 这代表:你在状态 $s_t$ 下选这个动作 $a_t$,比起“平均水平”到底好多少?
    • 如果 $A^\pi(s_t, a_t)$ 大于 0,说明这次决策可以在后续几周里带来超过平均的收益;如果小于 0,则说明不如同等水平下的普通复习计划好。

10. 我们到底在用什么 Loss 训练什么?

在 PPO、A3C、GRPO 等常见的策略梯度方法里,背后通常有两部分模型需要训练:

  1. Actor(策略网络):输出每个状态下我选择各个动作的概率,或直接输出一个最优动作。
  2. Critic(价值网络):输出状态价值 $V(s)$(或动作价值),作为基准分数线,让我们更稳定地评估动作好坏。


  • Critic Loss:最常见的是最小均方误差 (MSE),让 Critic 的估计 $V_{\psi}(s_t)$ 尽量接近我们根据实际反馈(Reward)得到的目标回报。

    \[\mathcal{L}_{\text{Critic}} = \Bigl(V_{\psi}(s_t) - \text{Target Value}\Bigr)^2.\]

    在多周考试里,Target Value 可能是“一步 TD 目标” $r_{t+1} + \gamma V_{\psi}(s_{t+1})$ 或者是更长的回报估计(如 GAE 里累加起来的一部分)。

  • Actor Loss:我们会把优势函数 $A_t = Q_t - V_t$ 或其某种近似,乘上 $\log \pi_\theta(a_t\mid s_t)$ 来做梯度上升(或等价的负号做下降)。

    \[\mathcal{L}_{\text{Actor}} \propto -\,\mathbb{E}\big[A_t \,\log \pi_\theta(a_t\mid s_t)\big].\]

    当一个动作在当前状态下的 Advantage 越大(超过分数线越多),就会推动策略朝该动作概率增大的方向更新;反之则相反。

在 PPO/GRPO 里,我们讲过你还会看到ClipKL 惩罚等额外项加到 Loss 中,以控制更新幅度别太大、或别偏离初始策略太多。


  • Actor 就是“我大脑里的决策机制”,不断学着如何选动作
  • Critic 就像“我的内在预期模型”或“家长给的预期分数线”,不断修正对当前学习状态的评估。
  • 最终的 Loss 把这两个部分的误差结合在一起,让二者相辅相成地共同进步。

11. 偏差与方差:在“多周考试”的比喻如何体现


  1. 全蒙特卡洛
    • 做法:等到好几周的考试都考完、算完所有分数加起来,再回来更新“当初第 $t$ 周决策的好坏”。
    • 好处:长期真实的回报都算进去了,不怎么“偏”。
    • 坏处:如果有些考试运气成分高,或者弟弟突然生病,这些偶发因素都会让最终分数波动很大,从而在训练时出现超高的估计方差
  2. 单步 TD
    • 做法:只看“这一周得到的分数 + 对下周的估计”来衡量“本周动作”的好坏。
    • 好处:不会因为长远噪声而把评估搞得极不稳定,方差相对较小
    • 坏处:可能忽略后面几周真正的重要影响,估计会产生偏差
  3. GAE
    • 做法:综合若干周(由 $\lambda$ 参数决定),既能考虑到一些后面几周的效果,又不会把非常远期的噪声全部吸收进来。
    • 好处:在“减少偏差”与“压低方差”间折衷,训练更高效、稳定。
    • 坏处:需要额外的实现/公式来把多步 TD 残差累加、需要选择合适的 $\lambda$ 超参数。


  • 偏差意味着:我们判断某周的决策好坏时,可能过于只看眼前(那就会导致长期效果判断出错)。

  • 方差意味着:如果我们判断某周决策好坏时,要把今后所有几周都完全算进去,那在这个漫长过程中,“弟弟突然生病”、“试卷难度随机波动”、“我临时遭遇某些突发事件”等都会影响分数,导致我对本周决策的评估极其不稳定。就像猜不准天气一样,太多干扰因素使估计忽上忽下。

GAE 则相当于给“未来几周成绩的影响”打一个权重衰减,每远一步就稍微降低影响力,既不盲目忽略未来,也不会把所有远期噪声一股脑都背上。

12. 对比三种 Advantage 估计方法

下面给出一个简洁对照表,来梳理全蒙特卡洛单步 TD、以及GAE在多步时序场景下估计优势的差异。虽然你的博客以前没明确提过“全 MC”,但它在 RL 里是一个常见思路,和你“只考一次试”场景更贴近,所以这里做一下简单介绍,以便理解为什么 GAE 是折衷方案

方法 做法 优点 缺点 小学考试比喻
全蒙特卡洛 (MC) 等到序列末尾(学期所有周考试都考完)再把所有Reward累加,回头计算“当初某周动作”的真实回报;以此来更新优势。 真实长期回报无偏;不用借助价值函数时简洁易懂。 如果序列长,方差极大;需等待整个过程完结才能更新,效率低。 所有周都考完,再来评估第1周的决策有多好。期间中途可能发生很多突发变化,导致评估结果波动大、反馈也太慢。
单步 TD 只用当前周Reward + 下一周价值与本周价值做差(TD残差)来更新,$\delta_t = r_{t+1} + \gamma V(s_{t+1}) - V(s_{t})$。 更新快、方差相对小;适合在线学习。 常常存在偏差,因为只看一周,不深入考虑更后面几周的回报。 本周考完就立刻根据“这次成绩”和“下周预期”修正,大大简化,但可能忽视后续周次的潜在影响。
GAE 在多步TD之间做衰减加权:$\hat{A}t = \sum{k=0}^{\infty} (\gamma \lambda)^k \delta_{t+k}$。结合 Critic 模型,兼顾短期奖励与长期趋势。 兼顾偏差与方差;在实践中非常稳定、高效。 需要选合适的 $\lambda$ 超参;实现稍复杂。 给每周动作部分地考虑后续几周的结果,但距离越远,权重越低。既不太慢(等所有周结束)也不太快(只看下一周),恰到好处地平衡噪声与准确性。

13. 结语:回顾与展望

通过这个小学考试的比喻,我们逐步从只看绝对分数的朴素思路,演化到 PPO 的完整机制(Critic、Advantage、Clip、Reference Model),再到GRPO 的创新思路(用一组输出的平均得分当基线,省去价值函数的繁琐)。以下几点值得再次强调:

  • Critic 的意义:它为每个状态或阶段提供“合理预期”,大幅降低了训练方差;
  • Clip & min 机制:约束策略更新幅度,避免一次考试“爆发”带来的巨幅震荡;
  • Reference Model:限制“作弊”或极端行为,让策略不要过度偏离最初合规范围;
  • GRPO 的优点:在大型语言模型中,省掉了价值网络,减少内存和计算负担,还与“对比式 Reward Model”天然契合。

就像爸爸改用“让孩子自己多次模拟,然后以平均分当预期线”的思路一样,GRPO 让我们不用再额外维护一个庞大的 Critic,也能获得类似的相对奖励信号。从结果看,这既保持了 PPO 原有的稳定性和合规性,又让训练更直接和高效。


  1. 需要用TD 残差(Temporal Difference)来衡量“实际回报”和“之前对价值的估计”之差;
  2. 为了更好地估计 Advantage,既不想只用单步 TD,也不想全靠蒙特卡洛,“GAE(Generalized Advantage Estimation)”应运而生;
  3. 它通过对多步 TD 残差进行衰减累加,提供了一个兼顾偏差与方差的折衷方案;
  4. 状态价值函数$V^\pi(s)$与动作价值函数$Q^\pi(s,a)$的定义也要放到时序多步的语境下去;在每周进行一次学习决策、每周获得一个奖励,形成了更丰富也更复杂的训练过程。

在实践中,PPO、A3C 等主流策略梯度算法里都经常把 GAE 作为核心组件,用来让 Advantage 的估计更平稳;在大模型微调或语言生成任务里,如果也把每次回答过程拆分成多阶段反馈,就同样可以使用类似 GAE 的思路来平衡“短期 vs. 长期”的奖励评估,得到较好的训练效果。

希望这篇文章能帮助读者更自然地理解 PPO 与 GRPO 的原理,也能在实践中有所启发。如果你对过程监督(Process Supervision)或迭代式强化学习(Iterative RL)等更高级的技巧感兴趣,也欢迎持续关注我的博客。